New Trier High School East
Class of 1980

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I knew Alex a bit as our parents were very close for decades. I got to know her a bit better in college. Alex was a private person and a striving commercial and fine artist. Our parents were so close, I always felt like she held that against me in some way in terms of her not wanting to share too much as if I could not keep her secrets. I see that with my own children. How unfortunate for all.
I saw that note referencing her death in Mr. Ganz's obituary. What a smart, talented and attractive family. Mr. Ganz was a strong-willed, truly self-made Harvard-educated lawyer, but it was Mrs. Ganz that was the brightest bulb and a really classy lady with one foot pioneering in the executive suite in corporate PR and the other as at home on the North Shore as living in the City.
I believe John Ganz, Alex's dutiful brother, is the sole remaining family member and still lives in the area.
Bill Lederer
Hi Jeff, you must have made it to the reunion. I hope life is treating you well. Hopefully you remember me from HS. I hope you love Minnesota as much as I do. We have a cabin up north about 90 miles from Duluth near Nashwauk. That area of Minnesota is so incredible. We love it. What brought you to Duluth?
Posted on: Jun 01, 2019 at 11:56 AM